How to monitor bandwidth usage on server

Every server user or can be called a VPS and dedicated server must be familiar with the following term, namely bandwidth. What is bandwidth?. According to Wikipedia bandwidth is the area or width of the frequency range used by a signal in transmission. In this framework bandwidth can be defined as the difference between the components of a high frequency signal and a low frequency signal. Using a VPS/server as a VPN (virtual private network) is of course very closely related to bandwidth usage. To note, some free or paid VPN providers limit their users in bandwidth usage on each VPS (virtual private server). Many tools are provided by several providers, both free and paid, including :

But this time we will discuss how to monitor bandwidth usage in simple real time on Centos 7. Just use the yum install nload -y command.

The first command before installing nload. Make sure you have updated on centos 7.

yum install update -y
yum install update -y

After making sure the update process goes well. Run the next command yum install nload -y

yum install update -y
yum install update -y

After successfully installing nload as in the 2 pictures above. To see the movement of bandwidth on a VPS, just type the nload command

yum install update -y


Information And Service

Create a website that provides free vpn with various country locations. provides free vpn accounts and paid vpn accounts.

With a paid vpn account you will have a vpn account with a duration of 30 days

Every free vpn account creation with a validity period of 3-5 days. After that you are free to create another account.

First you see this article VPN Problem. If you still can't connect, you can contact the admin via live chat

We are in designing a reseller system for those who want to sell vpn accounts at very low prices and share profits fairly.



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